Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who said summer could end??

This can't be real life.  How can Sophomore year possibly be starting already??  I haven't even posted anything from the summer yet!  One nasty catch up post is coming your way mighty fast.  First, I just left this dang cute room yesterday so I could move into my new apartment.  I decided to put a picture of it on the blog because I don't think any of my friends have actually seen it...and its too cute for nobody to see.  So there it is, world.  The cutest girls room you ever did see.  

Anyway, moving on to the summer adventures.  Too many fun things to count! I got to play in St. George with the fam bam, see some beautiful views atop my favorite mountain, pretend like I'm a real country girl while stitting on a tractor in flannel (it was a big, green tractor folks.  Doesn't get better than that!), watch my little brother go through the temple for the very first time, try foot golf (sooo fun!), start a new job (a name plate was even included in the deal), lose terribly on a bowling date, receive free bread at the mall with my best friend, work with a non-profit organization, compete in a pageant, spend some time at the Mona rope swings with friends, and take a weekend trip to my beloved Lake Como.  It's a lot of catching up, I know.  But for documentation purposes, it just had to be done.  I couldn't be more grateful for the family and friends that I have.  They truly make this life worth living!  Loved the summer fun, and I'm excited to go back to school and kick some hardcore homework butt!

All my love,


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Excuse the messy kitchen, but I love this picture. Jason has decided to compete for the region social studies sterling scholar title. This is a great endeavor, and there is a lot of work involved in the process. This picture was taken the weekend before the competition was to take place. I went home to visit my family and help Jason with some of the last bits of his project. At one point, I went upstairs to grab something and came down only to witness this sight. All three of my other family members were giving Jason a practice interview. As I watched them, I realized truly how much I love my family. Not only do I love them, but I love who they are. I love that one boy's project is a project for all of us. I love that we all help each other in every endeavor in our lives. I love that I can tell them anything, and I love that I can look to them as examplars of the life I want to lead. Truly, I know that God knows me and that he knew I needed a dang good family to put up with me!
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

All my love,


Friday, January 2, 2015

Tender Mercies

I'm posting twice in one day (judge me), but I have been incredibly blessed lately, and I wanted to post some tender mercies I have seen in my life these last few weeks.

  • I was extremely nervous about getting a high enough GPA to keep my scholarship.  I signed up for some tough classes this last semester, and based off the calculations I did, I believed there was no way I could maintain a high enough GPA.  My mom and I prayed our guts out that things would work out.  I was beyond surprised when I looked at my transcripts this morning and realized that although my grades were all the same, somehow, my GPA had been raised.  Prayer and miracles are real.  
  • My best friend's mission call was also another tender mercy.  Recently, my best friend, Jeanette was called on her mission to South Korea.  Jeanette has always been fascinated with Korean culture, and it was a neat experience to see her so excited and happy.  Although I acknowledge that not everyone gets called to the mission of their dreams, and that God still lives despite that fact, it strengthened my testimony deeply in  revelation.   Whoever made the final decision to assign Jeannette to Korea surely had no idea that Jeanette already loved that country.  However, she was still called to serve there.  Coincidence? I think not.  
  • My last tender mercy is also a bit of an announcement.  

I finished my mission papers.  

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission and consider it one of the greatest of God's tender mercies.  How fortunate I am that He allows me to be apart of this great work.  For that, I am truly grateful.  My availability date is May 15, 2015.  

All my love, 


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Proud Sister

I am proud to call this big goofball my brother.  I have been amazed by all that he has accomplished this year! At one time in his life, he was so incredibly shy that he would cry whenever anyone tried to talk to him.  Now, he currently serves as the Student Body President and speaks in front of the entire school routinely.

Jason not only won the student body election this year, but he has accomplished great feats in his basketball career.   He is a captain on his team and starts as a forward.  This season, he has averaged 20 points.  Yes.  That zero was meant to be next to that 2.  No typos over here.  The years of shooting free throws everyday in the gym have paid off.

Even though I'm a couple years older than this stud (really though...can I meet someone this good looking that I'm not related to?? Please and thank you), he has always been one of my greatest role models.  I'm grateful for his example of a worthy priesthood holder, and I know that he will do great things!

All my love, 
