This can't be real life. How can Sophomore year possibly be starting already?? I haven't even posted anything from the summer yet! One nasty catch up post is coming your way mighty fast. First, I just left this dang cute room yesterday so I could move into my new apartment. I decided to put a picture of it on the blog because I don't think any of my friends have actually seen it...and its too cute for nobody to see. So there it is, world. The cutest girls room you ever did see.
Anyway, moving on to the summer adventures. Too many fun things to count! I got to play in St. George with the fam bam, see some beautiful views atop my favorite mountain, pretend like I'm a real country girl while stitting on a tractor in flannel (it was a big, green tractor folks. Doesn't get better than that!), watch my little brother go through the temple for the very first time, try foot golf (sooo fun!), start a new job (a name plate was even included in the deal), lose terribly on a bowling date, receive free bread at the mall with my best friend, work with a non-profit organization, compete in a pageant, spend some time at the Mona rope swings with friends, and take a weekend trip to my beloved Lake Como. It's a lot of catching up, I know. But for documentation purposes, it just had to be done. I couldn't be more grateful for the family and friends that I have. They truly make this life worth living! Loved the summer fun, and I'm excited to go back to school and kick some hardcore homework butt!
All my love,