Friday, December 16, 2016


I'm sitting at the reception desk at work thinking about all the blessings and memories this semester has brought into my life and decided an update on the bloggety blog was about due (at least I waited until AFTER finals were over this time. Ha.  Once again, sorry Mom.)
 Update #1: Boston

If you know me, you know I don't travel.  Like anywhere.  It's not out of a lack of not wanting to go.  In fact, one of my biggest aspirations in post-school life is to take a trip to Italy (for more than just the food. K? K.)  I fit the poor college girl stereotype real well, let me tell you, and taking a fancy trip anywhere was frankly way outside of my budget.

A couple months into my program at school (side note: got accepted into the HR program at BYU!  They only took a third of the people that applied this year so I felt so blessed that I made the cut!), I got an email talking about this great opportunity to take a business trip to Boston with a travel stipend.  AH!  *Cue happy dance.  I applied right away.  I was overjoyed when I found out the next week that I would be going.  I had never been on a plane before, or really a big city like Boston for that matter, so needless to say, I was PUMPED.  Pictures below :)  As always, sorry for the photo dump.

 The girls I went with were all in my program and seriously the nicest people alive.  It was a trip I will never forget!

Update #2:  The Great Divorce

Amber (my long time friend from high school) and I have lived together as roommates in the same apartment for what feels like forever now!  You could say that we've rubbed off on each other a bit.  I convinced her to start wearing men's deodorant, and she's convinced me to spend more time studying.  We're one dynamic duo I tell ya.

Anyway, this next semester, we decided that it might be time for the dynamic duo to get some other experiences elsewhere to meet new people so we'll both be moving to separate apartments next semester.  She along with the Heberite's have been my go-to women for some time now, and I definitely consider them such an awesome part of my semester.  Pictures of the me and the hooligans (ok or them and the hooligan) below.  I decided to only use the *somewhat* socially acceptable pictures.  You can tell that my judgement was a bit more lax for the last couple photos.  Ha.  Turns out finding a picture of me with my friends and a normal face is quite the feat.  Also, if you're wondering why my default photo taking pose features my mouth as wide as it can go, I'm still wondering that too.  Just go with it.

 Update #3:  Women's Conference + Family + the Gospel + My Cute Missionary Brother

There are story's behind each of these pictures but basically all of it comes down to this:  the church is true and family is the fundamental unit not only of society, but of God's eternal plan of happiness for us.  How I got so lucky to have this life, I'll never know.  Believe it or not, when I start these posts, I almost never intend on ending with the gospel, but somehow it always wanders in that direction.  I know that I owe everything to it.  If you ever have the chance, and if you're still reading this (as if anyone even reads this...let alone for this long.  Ha!)  Check out this link.  Basically, it's just me spilling my guts in writing form.  What's new.

I think that about sums up the update for now!  My new goal is to actually update this more than once a semeter.  We'll see if that actually happens.  Here's to hoping!

All my love, 


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Announcement: I'm an er...clothes-wearer?

So...let's be real.  What else is a blog if not prime photo-dumping space?  Here's another wonderful photo dump to brighten your day!;)

I have recently done a bit of modeling with Sister Missionary Mall.  It's nothing serious, but I'm not going to lie, it's still fun to tell people that I am a "model."  Haha.  At first I felt really weird about saying it.


Boy:  Hey Kim, what are you doing tonight?

Kim:  Oh you know just being a clothes-wearer for a picture-taker.

Side note:  This did actually happen and I am really not kidding...someday I might learn to talk with the opposite gender but that day is not today.  

Now though, I figure that I might as well say it how it is.   

Modeling is actually a lot harder than it looks!  I always kind of thought that all modeling entailed was just kind of standing there with good makeup on.  However, after my photographer sent me a video of over 50 different poses to practice and memorize...I realized I had probably bitten off just a little more than I could chew.  Or you know, a heck of a lot more than I could chew.  

I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of it.  Here are a few photos from some of our most recent shoots!

All my love, 


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Friends are the Best!

Because they rock.  And because I'm going to be living {near} Kaela next year and {with} Amber next year again.  Both of those things make me pretty happy.  Too bad Hannah can't join the party at Condo Row too!

All my love,


Saturday, April 16, 2016


Currently posting because I'm sitting on the floor eating cereal without the milk and studying for finals in my pajama pants while simultaneously realizing that I have just met every college girl stereotype.  Worse, I'm not even mad about it.  While I'm procrastinating finals, I might as well make a summer bucket list right?? (Just indulge me here people!)

So I have a pained smile??  Its finals week,  I can do what I want!

  • Two words: Tulip Festival.  

I have seriously wanted to go to it forever!  It's got to happen! Forizzle though.

  • Parade of homes
  • Camping with the fab 4 - 1 (Jeanette will be home soon...YAY!!)  
  • Eating Healthier Dole Whips
  • Actually using that gym pass I bought
  • Taking the time to read some more classics!!  (Side note:  I love ENGLISH you guys.  Like, with my whole soul.  Classic lit is my fave.)
  • Study for the LSAT
  • Start a book club
  • Go to the temple every week
Now only to wait for these finals to be over!  Less than a week!  So close I can almost (smell? taste?) it!

All my love,
