Thursday, July 7, 2016

Announcement: I'm an er...clothes-wearer?

So...let's be real.  What else is a blog if not prime photo-dumping space?  Here's another wonderful photo dump to brighten your day!;)

I have recently done a bit of modeling with Sister Missionary Mall.  It's nothing serious, but I'm not going to lie, it's still fun to tell people that I am a "model."  Haha.  At first I felt really weird about saying it.


Boy:  Hey Kim, what are you doing tonight?

Kim:  Oh you know just being a clothes-wearer for a picture-taker.

Side note:  This did actually happen and I am really not kidding...someday I might learn to talk with the opposite gender but that day is not today.  

Now though, I figure that I might as well say it how it is.   

Modeling is actually a lot harder than it looks!  I always kind of thought that all modeling entailed was just kind of standing there with good makeup on.  However, after my photographer sent me a video of over 50 different poses to practice and memorize...I realized I had probably bitten off just a little more than I could chew.  Or you know, a heck of a lot more than I could chew.  

I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of it.  Here are a few photos from some of our most recent shoots!

All my love, 


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